Back acne is one of the acne conditions that makes sufferers very uncomfortable, affecting their spirit and daily life. Back acne will cause aesthetic discomfort, making us self-conscious and not daring to wear attractive or low-back clothes. Not only that, back acne can also cause itching and pain in the affected area.
Causes of back acne
Like other types of acne on the face, back acne occurs because pores are clogged with dirt, dead cells, sweat and sebum. The sebaceous glands oversee the production of skin oils that exist in areas of the body and can become clogged no matter where they are. Usually these blockages are caused by skin cells accumulating inside the pore, causing the pore to become clogged and inflamed which can lead to superficial and deep cystic acne.
Five solution to get rid of back acne
1. Use back acne products that contain Retinold-based ingredients
Applying retinold is unbeatable in the race to treat back acne. Retinold is the general term for the entire group of vitamin A derivatives, helping to prevent all types of acne: blackheads, whiteheads, cysts, pustules, etc. This active ingredient will help them work at the cellular level, helps kickstart your cell turnover rate, reducing inflammation and oil production. All main functions are to keep pores clear and skin free of acne.
2. Avoid squeezing acne and touching acne spots on your back
3. Protect skin from sunlight
4. Develop new habits when exercising
5. Gently clean your skin with products containing Benzoyl peroxide
To limit back acne, you should remember to be gentle when cleaning your back skin. If you don't want the pimples on your back to break and spread, use milk products or shower gels containing benzoyl peroxide.
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