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Exploring Eye Styles and Eyeliner Techniques

Your eyes are often the first feature people notice, and the way you style them can significantly impact your overall look. From subtle enhancements to bold statements, eye styles and eyeliner techniques offer endless possibilities for personal expression. Here’s a guide to some popular eye styles and eyeliner techniques to help you elevate your makeup game.

Eye Styles

Natural Look

For a natural eye look, focus on enhancing your eye’s natural shape and color. Use neutral shades like beige, taupe, and soft brown to define your eyelids. Apply a light shade on the brow bone and inner corners to brighten your eyes. Finish with a coat of mascara to add a touch of volume and length to your lashes.

Smokey Eyes

Smokey eyes are a classic and versatile style that can be adapted for both day and night looks. Start with a light base color over your eyelid. Then, blend a darker shade into the crease and along the lower lash line. Use a pencil eyeliner to define the upper and lower lash lines, smudging it slightly for a softer effect. Add layers of darker eyeshadow to intensify the look, and finish with plenty of mascara.

Cut Crease

The cut crease is a dramatic and defined eye look that adds depth and dimension. Use a light base shade on your eyelid and a darker shade in the crease. Then, with a concealer or a light eyeshadow, “cut” the crease by applying it along the lid, creating a sharp contrast. Blend well and finish with eyeliner and mascara.

Glitter and Shimmer

Perfect for special occasions, glitter and shimmer eye styles add sparkle and glamour. Apply a primer to keep the glitter in place. Use shimmery eyeshadows or loose glitter on your eyelids, and blend with complementary shades. Keep the rest of your makeup subtle to let your eyes shine.

Eyeliner Techniques

Classic Winged Liner

The classic winged eyeliner, or cat eye, is a timeless and chic look. Start by drawing a thin line from the inner corner of your eye to the outer corner. Extend the line upwards towards the end of your eyebrow, creating a wing. Connect the tip of the wing back to the line on your upper lash line and fill in any gaps. Use a liquid or gel liner for precise application.


Tightlining involves applying eyeliner to the upper waterline, making your lashes appear fuller and your eyes more defined. Use a waterproof pencil eyeliner for this technique. Gently lift your eyelid and apply the liner along the waterline, being careful not to poke your eye.

Graphic Eyeliner

For a bold and modern look, try graphic eyeliner. This style involves creating sharp, geometric shapes with your eyeliner. You can experiment with lines above the crease, floating eyeliner, or even bold shapes like triangles or squares. Use a precise liquid eyeliner to achieve clean lines.

Smudged Eyeliner

For a softer, more relaxed look, go for smudged eyeliner. Use a pencil eyeliner to draw a line along your upper and lower lash lines. Then, use a smudging tool or a small brush to gently blur the edges. This technique gives a sultry, smokey effect that’s perfect for everyday wear

Mehndi World, Medium


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